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Proximity services

The proximity services managed by the Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo Foundation within the Forlì Ser.T will cover various projects, the Foundation for the realization and management of services will employ 3 human resources : 1 sociologist, 1 psychologist and 1 social educator.


"Borderline Street Unit" Project

Information, sensitization and risk reduction interventions in entertainment contexts are carried out in places such as discos, clubs, youth clubs, pubs, festivals, various events, focusing mainly on a youth audience to whom the free decision is made to access the workstations of the operators with the measurement of alcohol with the instrument of the breathalyser. In addition, single-use alcohol-tests, prophylactics and informative material on legal and illegal psychotropic substances, sexually transmitted diseases (MST) and pathological gambling (GAP) are distributed.

The multidisciplinary team is available for details, information and to intervene in critical situations; in particularly important events, the connection is made with the medical and paramedical staff present. A sensitization work is also foreseen with local managers, security operators and event organizers in order to improve the health and protection of the participants.

facebook page Street Units

"Chiacchere & Caffè" Project

It foresees the presence of a specialized team in the field of prevention of road accidents linked to the employment of legal and illegal psychotropic substances. This team operates on weekends with the aim of offering a break to drivers returning to the province of Forlì after spending the night in the premises of the Romagna Riviera.

The team, equipped with the camper supplied by the USL of Romagna, is positioned on the Provincial Road Cervese, to graft with the Adriatic, to intercept vehicles in the return. The activity is scheduled for the duration of the night until the morning, during which coffee, water and sweet and savory snacks are distributed, as well as the possibility of measuring alcohol by testing the breathalyzer.

Project "(IM) PARI"

The project was designed to promote healthy lifestyles and informed choices in relation to risky behavior among adolescents, using the preventive method of peer education , with the aim of producing a "beneficial cascade reaction" that facilitates the circulation of knowledge and skills related to the issues related to the use, abuse and dependence of legal, illegal and behavioral psychotropic substances. Peer educators therefore act as facilitators of change and attitudes towards their peers. The training course proposed to peers aims to make them acquire relational and communicative skills useful for the construction of identity and to improve the listening and welcoming skills of the other.

The role of professionals is to facilitate educational processes by bringing out and supporting young people's resources and initiative. Specifically, they aim to promote responsible attitudes and behaviors with regard to psychotropic substances and sexuality, increase the involvement of young people in educational strategies on psychotropic substances and sexuality, inform young people about psychotropic substances and sexuality using a scientific language and tools (such as video, art, music) close to the youth world, increase the perception and awareness of risky behaviors related to psychotropic substances and sexuality, increase autonomous and conscious decision-making skills.

"National Drugs Documentation Center" project

The documentation center collects all the "non-scientific" production on substances, consumption, risky behavior, adolescence. The collection therefore covers issues related to cinema, literature, music and art, giving ample space to gadgets produced by international institutions or self-produced by NGOs. All material is made available for schools, students and citizenship. The team deals with the promotion of the activities of the Documentation Center on Drugs, the collection and archiving of national and international material related to psychotropic substances, offering the possibility to the public to view and consult the latter for purposes of awareness and dissemination of a broad knowledge for the purpose of promoting culture. The professionals have also designed, set up and curated multiple ad hoc exhibitions of posters regarding the above mentioned issues, which were held in Italy, in institutional settings (Emilia Romagna Region, GB Morgagni Hospital of Forlì) and not (Centers of Youth Aggregation, pub, Chill Out).


A facebook page and profile was also created with the name YOUNGLE CORSAIRS , with the aim of offering free online listening, help and counseling services for teenagers, by a group of peers under 20 adequately trained and supported during the chats by the multiprofessional team and spervisionati monthly by the psychologist.


Email: prevenzione@villaggiofanciullo.org

Phone: 3341056897

Youngle facebook page Corsairs

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Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo
Via 56 Martiri, 79
48124 Ravenna - Italy
Tel. +39.0544.603.511


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