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Sicur@mente Web

Sicuramente Web


Sicur@mente Web is a prevention project co-financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department for Anti-Drug Policies which aims to promote the well-being not only individual but also collective of positive experiences through the web.

The main objective is to prevent, through the awareness of minors and other subjects in contact with young people (families, operators, educators, sports coaches, etc.), a controlled and responsible use of the web and to avoid access to sites for finding drugs that are harmful to health.

Through meetings with students of different schools and young people belonging to centers of aggregation, we want to propose an opportunity to change the habits related to the use of the web by enhancing this tool through the construction of paths in which young people can be protagonists of activities creative.

Another objective will be to help young people to become aware of the active use of digital technologies and socialization tools on the web, so that they can learn to navigate safely and in compliance with the law.

The project is implemented in collaboration with PARS Onlus of Civitanova Marche and with UO Ser.T Service for Pathological Dependencies of Forlì for the realization of activities in the Emilia-Romagna area.

If you are part of a school or an aggregation center of the Emilia Romagna Region and want to participate in the project free of charge call us at 0544.603528 or 393.2021.941 or write to us at progetti@villaggiofanciullo.org.

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Fondazione Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo
Via 56 Martiri, 79
48124 Ravenna - Italy
Tel. +39.0544.603.511


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